Future ideas

There are a few directions I want this blog to go in, mainly in order for me to keep it updated more often. I try to put things that really strike a chord in me – music, art, photography or a provoking thought.

First, let me brag a little with some links:

1. My >> Twitch << account where you can see me play (stream) video games live

2. My >> YouTube << channel where I upload already recorded videos from the Twitch account

3. My >> Tumblr << that I currently kinda use as a portfolio

I want to keep track of the things I consume.


I want to post music I listen to more often – of course I have my playlists and YouTube favourites, but there are songs that just speak to me on the day I listen to them and I don’t need to turn back to them or quite the opposite – I listen to a song that doesn’t matter much, but it keeps haunting me in my mind months later or I start hearing it everywhere I go.

I want to keep track of the movies I watch and give my two cents about them. I am a movie maniac, so I probably won’t write about every single movie that I see, but there are some that deserve more attention than they get.

Books. I was an avid reader almost my whole life up to a point when I decided that this is a waste of time, this doesn’t contribute to my growth anymore and only keeps me in a dreamworld. But, I have been craving to return to this magical land once again, because I believe that as an artist I need to constantly absorb new information in order to push myself forward in my niche. Also, I always wanted to be that person who has read most of the classics, so I am going to start with BBC Top 100 eBooks package that I own.

The other thing that I am still unsure whether to share or not is my adventure in my relationship and sexuality, because I love reading other people’s experiences about open relationships, D/s (dominance/submission) play, bisexuality and other things that are on my mind lately. Maybe I can make someone else’s world a little brighter with writing about this, too.

Tell me what you think, if anyone reads this at all :]



Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

I am such a fan of this game as it is the first game I started playing madly in the recent years after a huge gaming pause. I bought it as a present to my boyfriend and since at the time I wasn’t working I had a level 80 character before he even started playing it. So, this awesome and very quirky MMO is getting an expansion soon which I hope is going to be some good end-game content. I’m not going to go over it in detail, I’m just sharing as it is something I am pretty excited about.

This is definitely a game that I recommend buying and if you follow it for some time you might get a 50% off of it. You buy the game once with no additional payments or monthly fees.

The best of the game in my opinion is its art, so check it out:

>>> GW2 Concept Art <<<

So, if you are a fan, drop me a message and maybe we could play together :}

Yellow Flicker Beat (Music Pause)

Lorde’s music sounds so powerful that it makes my heart skip a beat. I hope it gives you the same chills.

This song makes me want to go even harder at my passions and follow that flickering light ahead to a mysterious future. Sometimes just putting one foot in front of the other is enough. Sometimes going as hard as you can isn’t enough, but I want to believe that persistence will make everything alright and will make the naysayers quiet as a bramble.

Gumroad Profiles

Okay, as you know I have my own humble >> Gumroad profile <<

As far as I have understood the site it serves as a store-front for creators, so there are no browsing functions.

This is why I made my own list of artist profiles that provide art tutorials. I am sharing it here in case anyone finds something useful for themselves and so that I can have a safe archive for future reference.

Yes, I am serious about the art things, as you can see…


Jonas De Ro: https://gumroad.com/jonasdero
Darek Zabrocki: https://gumroad.com/darekzabrocki
Anthony Jones: https://gumroad.com/robotpencil
Dan Luvisi: https://gumroad.com/danluvisiart
Maciej Kuciara: https://gumroad.com/maciejkuciara
Eytan Zana: https://gumroad.com/eytanzana
Espen Olsen Sætervik: https://gumroad.com/espenartman
Alex Negrea: https://gumroad.com/alexnegrea
Ben Mauro: https://gumroad.com/benmaurodesign
David Levy: https://gumroad.com/vyle
James Zapata: https://gumroad.com/jameszapata
Alex Ruiz: https://gumroad.com/alexruizart
Jan Urschel: https://gumroad.com/janurschel
Dominic Qwek: https://gumroad.com/dominicqwek
Joe Peterson: https://gumroad.com/joepetersondesign
Kirili Chepizhko: https://gumroad.com/kirillchepizhko
Neil Blevins: https://gumroad.com/soulburn3d
Kalen Chock: https://gumroad.com/k04sk
John Park: https://gumroad.com/jparked
Ryan Hawkins: https://gumroad.com/ryanhawkins
James Paick: https://gumroad.com/jamespaick
Victor Mosquera: https://gumroad.com/victormosquera
Bryan Wynia: https://gumroad.com/bryanwynia
Nick Gindraux: https://gumroad.com/ngindraux
David Lesperance: https://gumroad.com/metalman123456123
Jason Scheier: https://gumroad.com/jscheier
Eric Ryan: https://gumroad.com/ericryan
Maxim Verehin: https://gumroad.com/verehin
John Sweeney: https://gumroad.com/sweeney1987
Richard Lyons: https://gumroad.com/rlyons
Chino-Rino Visual Lab (Eduardo Pena): https://gumroad.com/chinorinovislab
Rafael Grassetti: https://gumroad.com/grassetti
Mike Yamada and Victoria Ying: https://gumroad.com/l/Gfdb#
Dave Rapoza: https://gumroad.com/daverapoza
Mark Molnar: https://gumroad.com/markmolnar
Michal Kus: https://gumroad.com/michalkus
Jama Jurabaev: https://gumroad.com/jamajurabaev
Oleg Vdovenko: https://gumroad.com/chuvabak
Tyler Edlin (no access to profile): https://gumroad.com/l/yNmk ;https://gumroad.com/l/BhyY
James Gurney: https://gumroad.com/gurneyjourney
Kurt Papstein https://gumroad.com/ikameka
Bruce Conners https://gumroad.com/bruceconners
Matt Dixon https://gumroad.com/mattdixon
Charlie Bowater https://gumroad.com/charliebowater
David Lojaya https://gumroad.com/davidlojaya
Nick Hiatt https://gumroad.com/nickhiatt
Emily Hare https://gumroad.com/wavingmonster
Frank Hong https://gumroad.com/frankhong
Will Terrell https://gumroad.com/willterrell

Brushes & Other:
Kyle T Webster: https://gumroad.com/kyletwebster
Maxim Verehin: https://gumroad.com/verehin
Shiyoon: https://gumroad.com/l/shiyoonink
Paolo Limoncelli: https://gumroad.com/uxds
Ben Nadler: https://gumroad.com/bennadler




I found this wonderful platform where you can purchase (and sell) things really quickly called

>>>Gumroad<<< (the link will take you to my profile!)

Unless I am retarded, I haven’t found an easy way to browse through all the galleries/profiles there, so I just chose to show you my page.

Gumroad provides the magical option of Pay What You Want business model, which is something I wholeheartedly support in general and feel really comfortable doing at the moment.

Pay What You Want lets the customer decide what is the value s/he gets and to pay you for it and I think this provides a safe space where you can try the product out and see if you are happy with it or not. If you decide that it pleases you, Gumroad provides you with the option to come back to the purchase at anytime and pay (more).


Or, if you choose to sell it for a certain price you can just add + in the end and let people give you this or a bigger amount.

As a whole the site seems smooth, with good support and a team that is really trying to make this whole project go big. I wish them luck!

As for me – if you have been reading this blog recently, you may know that I decided to pursue a career (in the distant future) in arts. But as of yet, I am not confident in my skills, so having some kind of exposure and still having the possibility to get paid for a drawing, sounds awesome.

My first product there: >>> A magical forest <<<

P.S.: Isn’t the name Gumroad just so rad!?

Exploring multiple passions one at a time. Suggest what you want me to do next!