Tag Archives: open relationship

Future ideas

There are a few directions I want this blog to go in, mainly in order for me to keep it updated more often. I try to put things that really strike a chord in me – music, art, photography or a provoking thought.

First, let me brag a little with some links:

1. My >> Twitch << account where you can see me play (stream) video games live

2. My >> YouTube << channel where I upload already recorded videos from the Twitch account

3. My >> Tumblr << that I currently kinda use as a portfolio

I want to keep track of the things I consume.


I want to post music I listen to more often – of course I have my playlists and YouTube favourites, but there are songs that just speak to me on the day I listen to them and I don’t need to turn back to them or quite the opposite – I listen to a song that doesn’t matter much, but it keeps haunting me in my mind months later or I start hearing it everywhere I go.

I want to keep track of the movies I watch and give my two cents about them. I am a movie maniac, so I probably won’t write about every single movie that I see, but there are some that deserve more attention than they get.

Books. I was an avid reader almost my whole life up to a point when I decided that this is a waste of time, this doesn’t contribute to my growth anymore and only keeps me in a dreamworld. But, I have been craving to return to this magical land once again, because I believe that as an artist I need to constantly absorb new information in order to push myself forward in my niche. Also, I always wanted to be that person who has read most of the classics, so I am going to start with BBC Top 100 eBooks package that I own.

The other thing that I am still unsure whether to share or not is my adventure in my relationship and sexuality, because I love reading other people’s experiences about open relationships, D/s (dominance/submission) play, bisexuality and other things that are on my mind lately. Maybe I can make someone else’s world a little brighter with writing about this, too.

Tell me what you think, if anyone reads this at all :]

